Hammer and Sickle ☭


Symbol Meaning

You can copy the sickle and hammer emoji symbol from Unicode from this page.

A crossed hammer and sickle is the main symbol of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Since 1918 was a small emblem of the USSR. In 1924 he was portrayed on the national flag. And as communism was being built, it was used wherever they could. On seals, uniform, money signs, buildings of various enterprises, organizations, even where workers or peasants appeared extremely rarely. In our days, this sign can be seen, mainly, on the emblems of the communist parties of different countries.

The history of this symbol is inextricably linked with the state of workers and peasants, but separately the images of the sickle and hammer were known long before the USSR. Already in the early Middle Ages, the hammer pattern represented a craft. Depending on what kind of craft it was, other tools, such as a pickax Hammer And Pick , could be added to it. With the development of industry, the hammer became a symbol of the proletariat. The same is true for the sickle, but for the peasants. Accordingly, the crossed hammer and sickle symbolize the unification of workers and peasants. The first factory, the second earth, and all of them are beautiful icons in the nicknames.

The symbol “Hammer and Sickle” is included in the “Religious and political symbols” subblock of the “Miscellaneous Symbols” block and was approved as part of Unicode version 1.1 in 1993.

Text is also available in the following languages: Deutsch; Français; Русский;

Unicode Name Hammer and Sickle
Unicode Number
CSS Code
Plane 0: Basic Multilingual Plane
Unicode Block Miscellaneous Symbols
Unicode Subblock Religious and political symbols
Unicode Version 1.1 (1993)
Type of paired mirror bracket (bidi) None
Composition Exclusion No
Case change 262D
Simple case change 262D
Grapheme_Base +
scripts Common
Pattern_Syntax +
Encoding hex dec (bytes) dec binary
UTF-8 E2 98 AD 226 152 173 14850221 11100010 10011000 10101101
UTF-16BE 26 2D 38 45 9773 00100110 00101101
UTF-16LE 2D 26 45 38 11558 00101101 00100110
UTF-32BE 00 00 26 2D 0 0 38 45 9773 00000000 00000000 00100110 00101101
UTF-32LE 2D 26 00 00 45 38 0 0 757465088 00101101 00100110 00000000 00000000
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