Coptic is a Unicode block used with the Greek and Coptic block to write the Coptic language. Prior to version 4.1 of the Unicode Standard, Greek and Coptic were used exclusively to write Coptic text. However, Greek and Coptic letter forms are contrastive in many scholarly works, and their further separation was needed. Therefore, the specific Coptic letters in the Greek and Coptic block are not reproduced in the Coptic Unicode block.

Apparently, the Coptic alphabet is the script used for writing the Coptic language. The repertoire of glyphs is based on the Greek alphabet augmented by letters borrowed from the Egyptian Demotic. The borrowings included some Egyptian consonants, since they were missing from the Greek alphabet. It's actually the first alphabetic script used for the Egyptian language.

There are several Coptic alphabets, as the Coptic writing system may vary greatly among the various dialects and subdialects of the Coptic language.



Range 2C80–2CFF
Characters 128

List of Characters

Table of Characters
