Latin Extended-C is a Unicode block containing Latin characters for Uighur, the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, Shona, and Claudian Latin.

The Uighur people are a Turkic ethnic group which exists in the region of Central and East Asia. Despite the confusion that might appear when you hear the name of this group, Uighurs are not from Turkey, they live in China, Northwest region. The letters featured in this block can be distinguished thank to this little mark on their down part . Keep that in mind.

As for the Shona letters, they refer to the Bantu language of people who inhabit South Africa, mostly Zimbabwe. I believe it is impossible to type this from the keyboard, so copy and paste these symbols to communicate on social media Ɀ .

Finally, the Claudian Latin letters. How do they differ from the original Latin alphabet? The answer is that these two funny letters (which look like fake Tetris blocks) were introduced by the Roman emperor Claudius. Ⱶ is actually a half H. Yeah, your associative thinking hasn't failed you. The value of this letter is unclear, but perhaps it represented the so-called sonus medius, a short vowel sound used before labial consonants in Latin words such as optumus/optimus. It may have disappeared because the sonus medius itself disappeared from spoken language.



Range 2C60–2C7F
Characters 32

List of Characters


Table of Characters
