Plants play an important role in people's lives. We eat them! For example, various delicious bakery is cooked from wheat. And fruits grow on trees first, and only then end up at grocery stores. Yeah, I was surprised to learn that too.
What's more interesting, is that botanists say that plants process harmful gases into healthy substances. Like, so that we can inhale air easier and our breath is not infected. But I think it's nonsense — how can bushes do this, they're even more foolish than fish.
The plants' emojis can demonstrate various ideas far from the floral world.
- a four-leaf clover — luck.
- palm— hot countries.
- yellow leaf — autumn, fall.
- weeds — crops.
You can figure the rest of the meanings yourself, it's not very difficult. In case you're puzzled, check the description on the page of a particular emoji.