After a series of military defeats under the rule of Alexander the Great, the Persian Empire temporarily ceased to exist. Its territory became the orgigin of some relatively independent states which started to appear there. One of them was Elimaida, located in the southwest of modern Iran, on the shores of the Persian Gulf. It is clear what language the locals spoke, but archaeologists found inscriptions in Aramaic written in a script similar to Aramaic. This alphabet was called the Elymaic alphabet and it's encoded in Unicode.

Elymaic script is consonant-driven. The direction of writing goes from right to left. The letters are encoded as non-connecting (not italic), although in some sources they touch or overlap. The names of the symbols are taken from the Aramaic script, since the original ones are unknown.

Punctuation marks are not applied, except for the usual space between words. It also doesn't have any proper characters for numbers.


범위 10FE0–10FFF
문자들 32

문자 목록

문자 표
